ACE ZED Documentation

by Craig Bruce -- for version 0.50 -- December 17, 1995.

ZED Command Key Summary:

Control Command Keys (Commodore does the same):

- ----  -------  -------
  $e0   CT-@     Exchange cursor position with mark position
  $e1   CT-A     Alter case of letter under cursor
  $e2   CT-B     Go on to next buffer
  $e2+  CT-SH-B  Go on to previous buffer
  $e3   CT-C     Copy range
  $e4   CT-D     Delete range
  $e5   CT-E     Exit with save
  $e6   CT-F     Find next occurrence of hunt string
  $e6+  CT-SH-F  Find previous occurrence of hunt string
  $e7   CT-G     Go to given line number
  $e7+  CT-SH-G  Go to given _physical_ line number
  $e8   CT-H     Set Hunt string
  $e9   CT-I     Insert new file into current one
  $ea   CT-J     Juggle the lines of a paragraph, keep separate
  $eb   CT-K     Kill current line
  $ec   CT-L     Load file
  $ed   CT-M     Set Mark for range operations
* $ee   CT-N     Set Name of current file (to "noname", for now)
  $ef   CT-O     Set Options: input/output translation/tab-expansion, etc.
  $f0   CT-P     Print range of current file
* $f1   CT-Q     Quit without save
  $f2   CT-R     Recall text from the Kill buffer
* $f2+  CT-SH-R  Recall text from the Rub buffer
* $f3   CT-S     Save file
  $f4   CT-T     Tie together multiple lines into one big line (paragraph)
  $f5   CT-U     Undo the last change made to the document
  $f6   CT-V     Verify file
  $f7   CT-W     Write range with new name
  $f8   CT-X     Extract the individual lines from a paragraph
  $f9   CT-Y     Replace (all the other letters were taken!)
  $fa   CT-Z     
* $fb   CT-[     Toggle insert mode
* $fc   CT-\     Toggle modified flag
* $fd   CT-]     Toggle indent mode
  $fe   CT-^     Change the current working directory
  $ff   CT-_     Compose ISO-8859-1 character

Other Command Keys:

- ----  ---          ------
* $91   UP           Cursor up
* $11   DOWN         Cursor down
* $9d   LEFT         Cursor left
* $1d   RIGHT        Cursor right
* $06   SH-LEFT      Word left
* $0b   SH-RIGHT     Word right
* $16   CT-UP        Page up
* $17   CT-DOWN      Page down
  $19   CT-LEFT      Page left
  $1a   CT-RIGHT     Page right
* $0c   CO-UP        Goto top of document
* $0f   CO-DOWN      Goto bottom of document
* $10   CO-LEFT      Goto beginning of line
* $15   CO-RIGHT     Goto end of line

* $0d   RETURN       Split current line (indent not yet implemented)
  $8d   SH-RETURN    Go to next paragraph
  $01   CT-RETURN    Go up one paragraph
  $09   TAB          Tab
  $02   SH-TAB       Backtab
  $18   CT-TAB       Insert to next tab stop
* $14   DEL          Delete character
* $08   CO-DEL       Rubout
* $94   INST         Insert one space
* $13   HOME         Twice--go to bottom of screen, Thrice--go to middle
* $93   CLR          Cursor home
  $04   HELP         Bring up help window
  $84   SH-HELP      Display help screen
* $0a   LINEFEED     
* $07   SH-LINEFEED  
* $1b   ESCAPE       Redisplay screen
* $0e   SH-ESCAPE    
* $03   STOP         
* $83   RUN          

  $90   CT-1         Clear document
  $05   CT-2         Clear buffer
  $1c   CT-3         Enter hexadecimal PETSCII character code
  $9f   CT-4         Display directory
  $9c   CT-5         Destroy current document buffer
  $1e   CT-6         Create new document buffer
  $1f   CT-7         Display PETSCII code of current character
* $9e   CT-8         Scroll left margin of status line
* $12   CT-9         Reverse screen on
* $92   CT-0         Screen reverse off

  $81   CO-1         Set display to show single buffer
  $95   CO-2         Set display to show two buffers
  $96   CO-3         Set display to show three buffers
  $97   CO-4         Set display to 40 columns, default rows
  $98   CO-5         Set display to take full screen
  $99   CO-6         Set display to default number of rows
  $9a   CO-7         Set display to maximum number of rows
  $9b   CO-8         Set display to 80 columns, default rows

  $85   F1           Function key 1  : user-defined string
  $89   SH-F1        Function key 2  : user-defined string
  $86   F3           Function key 3  : user-defined string
  $8a   SH-F3        Function key 4  : user-defined string
  $87   F5           Function key 5  : user-defined string
  $8b   SH-F5        Function key 6  : user-defined string
  $88   F7           Function key 7  : user-defined string
  $8c   SH-F7        Function key 8  : user-defined string
  $80   CT-F1        Function key 9  : user-defined string
  $82   CT-F3        Function key 10 : user-defined string
  $8e   CT-F5        Function key 11 : user-defined string
  $8f   CT-F7        Function key 12 : user-defined string

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